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Website Marketing Strategies What are some marketing strategies used for promoting Websites?
"If you build it they won't necessarily come." If you don't promote your Website it will be very difficult to draw traffic to your site. Before you read any further, we highly recommend that you check out all the sections under Site Optimization. Learn about Meta Tags, Search Engines, and see what types of Web Analysis tools are out there to help you better effectively market your Website. Once your site is optimized you will then begin registering to search engines and directories. You can learn how to do this here. You can also find information on advertising with banners, reciprocal linknig, building doorway pages, and other helpful marketing strategies for your online e-commerce site.

Below are some links where you will find tons of useful marketing and e-commerce strategies used for promoting your Websites. The key to effective marketing is learn all you can and be patient. Good luck and best wishes.

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PayPal is the world's largest online payment service, with over 4,000,000 businesses and 35 million members in 38 countries around the world. Start accepting credit card payments immediately. There are no start-up or monthly fees and accepts payment from other countries.


Complete e-commerce solutions starting at $14.95/month. This includes full credit card processing, advanced site building tools, pre-designed site templates, stats package and more.

Net Promote
Includes a guide for search engine placement, free optimization tools, tons of articles on banner advertising, search engine placement, design tips, and also includes links to top engines and directories.

Spider Food - Website Promotion
This article describes many different ways to promote and market your Website. Many of the suggestions offered don't assume you have a lot of money to spend on your marketing strategy.

A Promotion Guide
This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to promote your site. There is very useful information in this tutorial covering search engine optimization and submission, choosing keywords, doorway pages, and other methods like banner ads, click exchanges, reciprocal links and tons more.

Includes search engine tips, marketing freeware, banner exchanges, free submitter, and other marketing tips.

Busy Marketing
Tons of marketing articles for growing Websites. Takes you from the very beginning of developing a site to the follow up process and updating to maintain your Website.

Spider Food - Doorways
This article explains the importance of using doorway pages to key in on keywords.

Webmaster Yellow Pages
lots of useful search engine and Internet marketing tips and tools.

Net Promote

Spider Food - Website Promotion
A Promotion Guide
Busy Marketing
Spider Food - Doorways
Webmaster Yellow Pages

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