|  What types of graphics should you use on your Website? Depending on the type of site you are creating you will need to find or create images or clipart that best suits your needs. We suggest taking a look at some Websites that are similar to the one you will be creating. From here you can decide whether or not to create your own, buy some stock art/photography or simply find some free clipart off the Internet. Below are some links where you will find different types of graphics and clipart. There is something here for everybody. If you are building a corporate or e commerce site, we recommend taking a look at some of the stock art/photography links. The graphics offered on these sites are highly professional and will spice up the look and feel of your Website. | Featured Resources | |  | | Quick Link | Stock Art/Photography PictureSanDiego Offers a collection of creative and professional stock photos that accentuate the beauty of San Diego, yet go way beyond the scope of this area. Their photo collection includes various imagery ranging from People & Animals to Scenic Places & Nature to Textures & Backgrounds. Best of all these professional Web images only cost $10.00 a picture or $49.95 for fifty... WOW, that's less than $1.00 an image! Pick-a-Photo - Ulead A distinctive collection of royalty-free, high-resolution photos. These Royalty-free photos are significantly less expensive than licensed photos and each CD-ROM title comes packed with between 120 and 200 photos. Photospin Offers over 30,000 photographs. illustrations, fonts, audio files, and video clips. StockPhoto Offers free stock photography when you join. Includes a search that finds categories of images you are interested in. AccessStock Images can be downloaded or you can purchase a CD in which all the images are displayed on the Website. EyeWire Offers photography, illustrations, clipart, video, audio, typefaces and more. Clipart ApeSmart Clipart Includes clipart in categories such as holidays, food, art, business, animals, music, history and more. Animation Factory Over 15,000 original animations free for use on your personal web pages and email. MediaBuilder Use online tools to instantly make 3D banners and buttons online, and to optimize your images so they will download faster. Cool Archive An archive of free fonts, clip art, animations, backgrounds buttons and much more. Clip Art Connection Tons of free clipart, animations and graphics. | |  | | Stock Art/Photography PictureSanDiego Pick-a-Photo - Ulead
Photospin StockPhoto AccessStock EyeWire Clipart ApeSmart Clipart Animation Factory MediaBuilder Cool Archive Clip Art Connection | ApeSmart Web Tools, Vol. 1 This Web resource package comes with 19 Flash 5/Flash MX Templates, 50 Stock Photos, and over 100 Vector ClipArt Images. These files are ORIGINAL and are ROYALTY FREE. Improve your Websites now! 19 Flash Templates 19 Professional Flash Templates (both the .FLA & .SWF files). You'll receive a Music Player, a Username/Password script, an entire Website Template in Flash, dragable menus, scrollers, a photo slide show, mouse trailers, and more! Once you receive these AWESOME FLASH FILES, modify them for your needs and pop them into your Webpages! Limited Time Only! 9 Free Flash MX Templates 50 Stock Photos Stop paying outrageous prices for stock photos! Take a look at some of the images in this Web Tools package. It's stocked with FRESH, HIGH QUALITY IMAGES taken from professional photographers. These high quality photos are a great resource for Graphic Artists, Webmasters, & Marketing Departments! These images are perfect for Webmasters who want to have professional looking Web Pages, Emails, or whatever! Click here to view thumbnails and download a FREE Stock Photo. Over 100 Vector ClipArt Images You'll find that these images will come in handy when developing your Webpages. Everything from food to office supplies to animals to buildings, holidays and more! CD-ROM Includes: 19 Flash 5/MX Templates 50 Professional Stock Photos Over 100 Vector ClipArt Images Bonus Extra! 9 FREE Flash MX Templates ONLY $10 + $5 Shipping Fee International Orders Welcome... shipping is the same for EVERYONE! | Do You Only Want the Flash Templates? No, Problem... Download Now! Download Includes: 19 Flash 5/MX Templates 9 FREE Flash MX Templates Only $5 Download is a 9MB zipped file. It is compatible on both Windows (PC) and Mac. | | | . | |